Once an Anrude is fully grown, it is able to hunt larger game
like elk and caribou. They have settled down into dependable, loyal
companions about the size of a Malamute dog with a long, thick tail
like a snow leopard's. They are still curious, but now they have some
caution when dealing with a new situation. Adult
Anrude can be used to haul large loads much like a horse would. They
can even be ridden, though their movements can sometimes be sparratic
and unpredictable. Because of their stocky build, an Anrude is said to
be able to carry upwards of three hundred pounds of weight on its back.
Some owners choose to go hunting with their Anrude and have the critter
carry the catch back. An adult's trust is difficult
to learn as they have already bonded with
another person or animal, but it's not impossible. Anrude are still as
friendly as they were when they were younger. A note
of caution should be put here. Anrude are large and very skilled
hunters, so one would caution potential owners to watch out when the
Anrude decides to "play". Also, if a person is in possesion of a fully
grown Anrude, it would be unwise to threaten them as the Anrude will
defend their person.