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(Ivan the Plushie Merchant)

"Welcome, welcome! If you're looking for a toy for your pet, then you've come to the right place! We've got super-ultra-fabulously-cute plushies for a low, low price! Yes folks! The absolutely lowest price you'll find anywhere here in Largendia!"

The man taps his rolled up newspaper on the counter and laughs loudly.

"Aw I'm only pulling your leg! The cute little plushies here are all free! That's right free! Go on, pick one out for your little pet! Or maybe is it just for yourself? That's all good too!"

He laughs again.

"They may not get bigger or change shape, but these cuties are just the perfect cuddly toy for your own little pets! Also, they never retire!  They'll always be here for your little pets to play with!"

"Oh, but before I forget, the Usage Rules also apply to these plush, so make sure you know what they are!  Enjoy your stay!"

Click the type of plush you would like to see:

Soon to Come!

Pony Plush, Chicken Plush, Dragon Plush and others!

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