Miscellaneous Pets
A long time ago, in a place called FurAffinity, a blooming artist called Shima tried to make a couple of beautiful adoptable pets that would go to good and creative homes by offering them as prizes for various contests. This attempt failed miserably and thus the pets were stowed away in the depths of an old laptop. Or were they? Now, back from the confines of an ancient laptop, I give you those long ago pets. -Shima
Shadow Cats The Shadow Cat is a creature born from the resentment bestowed upon the ancient felines for relations to witchcraft and the like. In response, they've developed keen telepathic abilities as well as almost godly stealth. The worst thing one could ever do is upset the usually grumpy ShadowCat.
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Naor These little critters are called the Naor (Nah-ower). They're generally peaceful and dislike fighting; they would much rather run or hide. They are very intelligent and can often be found wandering classrooms or places with many people, soaking up information as they go. They speak to each other with tiny cries and mini growls. Some can learn English or other languages, but it is usually patchy and not very well spoken.
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Veniir Drakes The Veniir Drakes are strictly seed-eating creatures. They romp through fields, picking up the airborne seeds in their fur along with catching prickly seeds from the plants they run around in. Their front feet are specially designed to pull those seed expertly from the fur and bring them to the Drake's mouth. They are shy and prefer to stay away from people, but they will fight back when cornered.
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